ARTICLE - "End of la Zad? (...) " ARTICLE = "END OF LA ZAD? FRANCE'S UTOPIAN ANTI AIRPORT COMMUNITY FACES BITTER LAST STAND" This article released in December 28th 2017 in the paper "The Guardian" is entitled "End of la Zad? France's Utopian anti airport community faces bitter stand" . The article is founded on the report of Kim Willsher, an award winning correspondent based in France. The subject treated is the status report of the situation of the community created in la ZAD. BUT WHAT IS THE ZAD? La ZAD has a long history behind her, that begins a half century ago when the French government first project on creating a transatlantic "Great West" gateway started. The idea of constructing an airport in Notre-Dame des Landes was first approve for a cost of 580 millio